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The great wall covered in snow
It is estimated that the length of the great wall is about 9000 kilometers. It was built from the 3rd century BC (about 215 BC) by Emperor Qin Shi Huang of the Qin dynasty. It’s the same Emperor to whom we owe the so-called terracotta army in Xian. Sections of the great wall were added in later centuries, but it was during the Ming dynasty in the 14th and reached its current dimensions. Bricks and stones were used rather than clay, stone and wood.
How was long and where the great wall
In red shows the sections of the great wall that have survived over time
The stretch of Badaling, the most visited
The stretch of Badaling , who appears in the pictures in the presentation is located in the province of Beijing Northwest . To get there from Beijing suburb trains, always very busy, several times per day. A snowfall in the second week of November 2015 Beijing region also whitewashed Badaling great wall. So, when we visited on 9 November, we found her covered with snow.
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